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Rinconcillo Beach and Bay

Rinconcillo Beach is on the Bay of Algeciras and gives acccess to the Marismas del Río Palmones Paraje Natural

By Nick Nutter | Updated 25 Aug 2022 | Cádiz | Birdwatching | Login to add to YOUR Favourites Favourites Icon or Read Later

This article has been visited 9,619 times Kites over the Bay Kites over the Bay

Kites over the Bay


Birds of the feathered sort are not the only things you will find flying over Gibraltar Bay. At the head of Algeciras Bay Rinconcillo is a little known fishing village that manages to remain unspoilt even though surrounded by industry. It also has one of the most fantastic sandy beaches on the coast.

Take the A7 towards Algeciras. As soon as you pass over the river bridge at Km 109 get into the right hand lane and at the first set of traffic lights turn right, swing round the traffic island, cross the main carriageway and, taking the centre lane, pass between two islands and down the road for 250 metres to a roundabout. At this roundabout turn right. Carry on until you see an ONCE booth on the right hand side. Turn left here and drive 200 metres or so until you see Calle Cabo Creus on your right. Turn down here and carry on until you reach a small square just behind the beach and park.

Flamingoes and Herons Flamingoes and Herons

Flamingoes and Herons

Leaving your car walk onto the beach. To your right you can see the port of Algeciras, ahead is the massif of Gibraltar and to your left is a long sweep of beach leading to the estuary of the Rio Guadacortes and the village of Palmones. Behind Palmones is the refinery at San Roque. In Algeciras Bay itself you will be amazed by the amount of shipping, anchored, moving into Algeciras port or sailing away to destinations not known.

Turn left on the beach and walk towards Palmones. You soon leave the last of the fishing cottages behind and see sand dunes covered in Sparta grass on your left. This is a Natural Park area and a haven for migratory and resident waders. Continue until you reach the end of the sand spit at the estuary and turn left up one of the paths taking you inland with views across the marismas.

At different times of year you can expect to see flamingos, redshanks, herons, cormorants, various ducks, osprey, curlew, whimbrel, spoonbills, plover, dunlin and snipe.

Kingfisher Kingfisher


You then have a choice, you can either retrace your steps down the beach or wend your way through the dunes until you reach the beach, children prefer the latter. On the beach keep your eyes open for unusually coloured shells washed up from the bay.

The colouration may be due to the mix of chemicals that pollute the bay but there is no sign of that pollution at Rinconcillo.

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