The first humans to arrive in Andalucia were Homo erectus about 1.4 million years ago. At the moment nobody knows how long they were in residence. Continuous occupation started about 500,000 years ago when Homo heidelbergensis arrived. He developed into the Neanderthals. About 30,000 years ago the Neanderthals were replaced by Home sapiens, hunter-gatherers. Somewhere around 6500 BC, Neolithic people migrated into Andalucia and horticulture gradually replaced hunter-gathering as a way of life. About 4500 BC the farming communities started to build megalithic structures and construct ditched enclosures. Soon after that man started to use copper and then bronze. Throughout the period, settlements became larger and more permanent, fortified settlements appeared and art developed in many ways from cave paintings to idolic plaques and sculptures. Networks of communication have always been a feature of mankind, first for mutual support and transmission of ideas, then for exchange of goods and finally for trade. It is a fascinating story.