Isleta del Moro is a bay protected by a rocky peninsula and an island in the Cabo de Gata Nijar Parque Natural
By Nick Nutter | Updated 11 Apr 2023 | Almería | Villages |
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Fishing boat La Isleta
If your idea of heaven is a small group of dazzlingly white houses, set on a peninsula jutting out into the azure blue Mediterranean Sea, with a sandy, protected beach and nothing much else to do but sit on it, then Isleta del Moro on the Cabo de Gata coast is the place for you.
Fish restaurant La Isleta
Isleta del Moro is a bay protected by a rocky peninsula and an island. It has been a favourite anchorage for hundreds of years, used by coastal traders plying between the coastal villages and by that scourge of the Andalucian coast, the Barbary pirates. It is thought that it is from one such pirate, a Moorish warlord called Mohamed Arráez, that the village was named.
Communal laundry in square at La Isleta
The typically square Mediterranean houses cluster on a low peninsula between the island and the low coastal cliffs. To the east of the village the sandy Playa del Peñón Blanca is a half moon shaped bay, perfect for sun worshippers, snorkellers and divers. In fact, to say that sitting on the beach is the only way to pass the time in Isleta del Moro is to do the village a disservice. There are two diving schools, either of which will organise diving trips to allow both the novice and more experienced divers to explore the underwater wonders of the Cabo de Gata Maritime Reserve.
Playa Penon Blanca La Isleta
Small fishing boats are drawn up on the sand beneath the village whilst a lone, larger version sits on chocks at the top of the short jetty. Overlooking this idyllic scene is one of the fish restaurants for which the village is locally well known. Bookings are essential, especially on Sundays.
Video By: Julie Evans
La Isleta in the Cabo de Gata
A small square with a well and a communal laundry provide the focal point in the village. Although there is space for a few cars in the square, the better place to leave your car is the car park on rough ground as you enter the village. Isleta del Moro is hugely popular during the summer season so best visited at other times of the year.