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Iberian Museum in Jaén city

The Iberian Museum of Jaén is the only museum in the world dedicated to the Iberians, who became a cultural unit between 700 BC and 100 BC

By Nick Nutter | Updated 5 Sep 2022 | Jaén | Museums | Login to add to YOUR Favourites Favourites Icon or Read Later

This article has been visited 3,761 times Iberian museum Jaen Iberian museum Jaen

Iberian museum Jaen

Museo Íbero of Jaén

Jaén province has over 550 archaeological sites attributed to the Iberians, an enigmatic group of people that lived in the eastern part of Andalucia and into Catalonia, Valencia, Castilla-La Mancha, and Murcia. Out of all the prehistoric peoples of Andalucia, the Iberians are the least documented.

Greek Krater Jaen Iverian museum Greek Krater Jaen Iverian museum

Greek Krater Jaen Iverian museum

The Iberian Museum of Jaén is one attempt to redress the balance. It is billed as the only museum in the world dedicated to one society, the Iberians, who became a cultural unit between 800 BC and 100 BC. The museum opened in 2017 and contains hundreds of exhibits that have not previously been on display from Iberian sites throughout Andalucia. At the moment (August 2020) only part of the exhibition space is used for the inaugural display entitled "La dama, el principe, el heroe y la diosa", the lady, the prince, the hero and the goddess. The title reflects the hierarchy and customs of the Iberian people, each figure had a specific role in everyday life. Representations of these deities have been found at many Iberian sites including those on display at the Iberian Museum: a dama (lady) from Cerrillo Blanco (Porcuna); the prince, represented by the double-armoured warrior, also from Cerrillo Blanco; the hero from El Pajarillo (Huelma); and the goddess of los Caprinos de Cerrillo Blanco.

Iberian bear Iberian bear

Iberian bear

Apart from being fierce warriors, the Iberians were also traders. The museum has some Greek kraters, large bowls, made in Athens during the 4th century BC painted by famous and recognisable artists such as Oenomaus that were obviously trade goods.The whole Iberian exhibit is accompanied by maps and charts that illustrate the story of the Iberians. Information is in Spanish and English.

Iberian statuary Iberian statuary

Iberian statuary

The Museo Íbero of Jaén is a fantastic resource if you are interested in the Iberian culture.

Iberian wolf Iberian wolf

Iberian wolf

The prince - Jaen Iberian museum The prince - Jaen Iberian museum

The prince - Jaen Iberian museum

Opening times and prices for the Iberian museum

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