The Quaternary Geological Park project, in the valleys of northern Granada, is an initiative to protect the most complete continental sedimentary record of the Quaternary era of the planet. Due to its exceptional geological, landscape and cultural richness, 47 municipalities in the Hoya de Guadix and Baza (Guadix - Baza Depression) are represented in the Granada Geopark, The depression began to form during the tectonic processes that caused the alpine system uplift about 65,000,000 years ago.
Geology is only one aspect of the Geological Park Project. Humans have been living in the area for 1.4 million years, Orce, within the Geopark boundary, claims to have evidence of the earliest humans in Europe. Along the course of the river Gor is the greatest concentration of dolmens in Europe
The whole area lies within the most southerly desert in Europe The statistics go on, making this a unique area, probably in the world, and a paradise for geologists, historians, archaeologists, anthropologists and those just interested in our heritage.
The Granada Geopark is due to be the subject of a UNESCO world heritage bid in 2020.